Is There Buried Treasure Under the River Kwai Bridge?


"Is There Buried Treasure Under the River Kwai Bridge? Remote Sensing Applications Hint at Japanese Markers and Hidden Gold in Kanchanaburi and Bangkok!"





24th-MARCH- 2023

The River Kwai Bridge

The River Kwai Bridge is a famous bridge located in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, that was built during World War II by Allied prisoners of war under Japanese supervision. The bridge spans the River Kwai and was a key part of the Death Railway, a railway line that the Japanese built to connect Thailand to Burma. The railway was built using forced labor and it is estimated that over 100,000 people, including POWs and Asian laborers, died during its construction.

Today, the River Kwai Bridge is a popular tourist attraction and visitors can walk across the bridge and visit the nearby museums and cemeteries dedicated to the victims of the railway's construction. The bridge has also been featured in movies and books, including the famous novel "The Bridge on the River Kwai" by Pierre Boulle.

Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, was occupied by the Japanese during World War II and was an important strategic location for the Japanese military. The city suffered significant damage during the war, including bombings by the Allied forces. After the war, Bangkok was rebuilt and today it is a bustling metropolis that attracts millions of visitors each year. The city is known for its vibrant street life, cultural landmarks, and delicious cuisine. Some notable attractions in Bangkok include the Grand Palace, Wat Phra Kaew (the Temple of the Emerald Buddha), and the floating markets

 "Find Hidden Treasure Using Remote Sensing: NASA's Landsat 7 Satellite and Handy Apps!"

If you're on the hunt for buried gold and treasure, remote sensing applications may be your new best friend! This method uses NASA's Landsat 7 satellite digital image data and ENVI software to locate natural gold veins, buried gold, and treasures with impressive accuracy - we're talking within 1 to 3 meters. The process is both cost and time effective, so you can save your resources for digging.


Once you've identified the general area using brownish yellow color pixel areas, superimpose the location on Google Earth Pro to check the location on the ground. But the technology doesn't stop there - you can also use a simple smartphone app to measure the Earth's magnetic field and pinpoint the exact location of buried treasure. By measuring the highest and lowest points of Earth's magnetic data within a 2-foot interval, you can easily spot the buried area, which is usually located in the center of the highest data points and surrounded by lower data points in a rectangular or square shape.

Happy treasure hunting!

