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Is There Buried Treasure Under the River Kwai Bridge?

  "Is There Buried Treasure Under the River Kwai Bridge? Remote Sensing Applications Hint at Japanese Markers and Hidden Gold in Kanchanaburi and Bangkok!" BY PORFESSOR U SOE THEIN B.Sc; M.App.Sc.( NEWS SOUTH WALES) GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT. DAGON UNIVERSITY. (Ret). 2 4th -MARCH- 2023 The River Kwai Bridge The River Kwai Bridge is a famous bridge located in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, that was built during World War II by Allied prisoners of war under Japanese supervision. The bridge spans the River Kwai and was a key part of the Death Railway, a railway line that the Japanese built to connect Thailand to Burma. The railway was built using forced labor and it is estimated that over 100,000 people, including POWs and Asian laborers, died during its construction. Today, the River Kwai Bridge is a popular tourist attraction and visitors can walk across the bridge and visit the nearby museums and cemeteries dedicated to the victims of the railway's construction. The b